Economic Meltdown

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No one sees this coming. In 2008 after record growth, main street America took it’s largest loss of wealth since the great depression. It was ugly. Trillions of dollars in hard fought investments vaporized in hours. This scenario looks at what would cause this and how chemistry can help YOU set up your own economy and your skills will make you a different kind of rich.

Chemistry Content focus:

  • Gas Laws
  • Ideal Gas Laws
  • R – Constant

Biological Science:

  • Virus pathology
  • mRNA Vaccines


  • Rocket projectile construction
  • Parabolic calibration
  • Project Management


[EM-3]: “On the Offensive”

Length: 90 minutesComplexity: Standard

It’s time to take the offensive… If order is going to be restored, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hand to save those who cannot save themselves.…

[EM-2]: “Needs Assessment”

Length: 90 minutesComplexity: Standard

The monster is starting to rear its head. The shock has passed and most people are in a state of panic because they don’t know what to do next. We…

[EM-1] “Zero-Hour”

Length: 90 minutesComplexity: Standard

Training ONE: The Zero Hour Very few, maybe the elite, maybe they cause it to gobble up the rest of the free world, but “Main Street” America is largely too…

[VBT]: “Surviving the Apocalypse”

AFTER  ARMAGEDDON: In this visual alternative study, you’ll be watching about half of this as it will probably be seen in a two part series. You’ll get a chance to…

[EXA-EM]: “Money For Nuthin”

Sometimes it seems like the people that sit atop the big oil giant conglomerates just rack in the money and there’s no real risk to their personal safety or even…

[EM-ANLS]: “The Oil Apocalypse”

Length: 50 minutes

Though this video was discovered after the creation of the “Economic Meltdown” scenario was created. Though the means by which AREEA154 learned about the oil disappearing is different than that…